Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

Appearance: heavy bodies, short black legs, long S-shaped neck, flat orange beak with bulging black knob at base, white plumage No difference in coloration between sexes, but male is larger During breeding black knobs on males’ bills swell while females’ do not, but this difference is seasonal Height: 50 to 68 inches (about 4 to…

Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus

  Appearance: owl-like face; long, rounded tail with white band; small, sharply hooked beak; yellow legs with large talons, broad wings Males have gray heads and backs, black-tipped wings, white undersides, and black bands along wings and tail while females have brown heads and backs, white undersides streaked with brown, and brown bands along wings…

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

Appearance: sexual dimorphism during breeding season, male looks like female during winter: gray-brown with black mottling on body, black stripes on head, orange and black beak, orange legs, blue-purple patch of feathers with black and white borders on wings During breeding season, males have iridescent green head, white stripe on neck chestnut brown neck and…