Red-Winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

Appearance: males and females have different coloration Males (left) are completely black except for red-yellow patches on their wings during summer; during winter patches fade into a yellow-orange stripe (top right) Females (bottom right) are streaked with light and dark brown, save for a small red patch on their wings near the shoulder, stocky body,…

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis)

Appearance: white head and belly, light grey back and wings,black wingtips spotted with white, yellow beak and legs, dark black ring on beak near nostrils, in winter has brown speckles on back of head Male is larger than female, but no significant difference in coloration Length: 17-20 inches (about 1.75 feet) Wingspan: 41-46 inches (almost…

Common Merganser (Mergus Merganser)

Appearance: sexual dimorphism – males are larger, look like females except during breeding season – red beak and legs, brown head with ragged crest, white chin and chest, gray and white back, large white patches on upper wings (visible in flight) During breeding season males have green heads, mostly white, black stripe down back –…

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

Appearance: sexual dimorphism throughout year Breeding males have green crested heads highlighted with black cheeks and white stripes, red eyes, yellow/orange beak, chestnut plumage on neck, sandy plumage on sides, black backs, white undersides, gray underwings, blue patches on wings Nonbreeding males have gray plumage Females have faded brown plumage with darker brown backs, white…