Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)

Appearance:tiny bill, long wings, white underside, short squared tail; males (left) have cobalt blue backs, black wings and tail; females (right) have gray feathers with a blue hue on back Length:4-6 inches ( about .5 foot) Wingspan: 12-14 inches (about 1 foot) Status:common, but populations declined 49% 1966-2014 Threatened by deforestation and insecticide use Habitat…

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)

Appearance:all white feathers, black bill, patch of yellow skin around eyes, S-shaped neck, black legs with yellow feet – also known as the “yellow-footed egret” During breeding season has long, lacy feathers along neck and back – “aigrettes” Males are larger than females, but coloration is similar, both grow aigrettes Height:about 24 inches (2 feet)…

Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)

Appearance:blue-violet head and neck, long S-shaped neck, black-tipped gray beak, blue-grey body, pale yellow legs, yellow eyes Males are larger than females, otherwise no differences between them During breeding season, both sexes develop breeding feathers on neck and back that can be raised into crests, beak changes from grey to blue, legs become dark Despite…

Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)

Appearance:brown/tan on top of body, white below; head, neck, wings, and tail are striped with black and white; round head; red eyes; long wings; rust-colored tail Male has stouter beak than female, otherwise minimal differences Named after high-pitched “kee-dee” call: In the 1700s, naturalists would call them Chattering Plover or Noisy Plover because they…

Barn (“Marsh”) Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

Appearance: blue backs, long wings, wings and tail end in black feathers, light brown bellies, only North American swallow that has forked tail; males (left) have cobalt blue backs with white patches, red faces; females (right) have blue-green backs, light brown faces, shorter tails Length: 6-8 inches (about .5 foot) Wingspan:11-13 inches (about 1 foot)…