From a Freeport 2nd Grade teacher, Cara Tarantino:
“This morning was a magical moment. It was fantastic to go outside with my class and watch Captain Don pull out trash and students record on their individual (Data Collection) sheets. I know the students now feel that they are helping the community. The students wrote messages in chalk for the community to see. They were very upset by all the garbage sitting in the storm drain. It was a moment to last a lifetime to see their faces. I know I will treasure it!”
This comment was received in response to the SPLASH Education Team’s visit to New Visions Elementary School in Freeport, as a part of a ten month program SPLASH offers in collaboration with the School District and Adelphi University. The students ‘Adopt a Storm Drain’ by stenciling it with a message that says, Don’t dump, Drains to Bay!. They observe the garbage that collects at the drain each month and plot the data for reporting to SPLASH.