SPLASH Projects and Initiatives
Operation SPLASH uses all available resources and opportunities to clean and maintain waterways, educate citizens and encourage environmentally sound decisions by lawmakers.
Our current projects include:
Marine Debris Removal
SPLASH volunteers patrol the south shore waters removing debris, monitoring and identifying pollutants as well as their sources. Cleanup trips are the core of SPLASH's mission.
Debris Traps
In 2005, SPLASH began experimenting with a device to capture and remove solid debris from entering the bay from the storm drain system along the Meadowbrook Parkway.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Operation SPLASH was appointed by the Nassau County Executive to the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant Reconstruction Oversight Committee.
Storm Drains
Storm drains carry debris and pollutants into our bays. We educate groups, schools, and individual homeowners about best practices in minimizing storm drain run-off pollution.
Clean Marina Program
Operation SPLASH offers boating safety classes and education programs at SPLASH Headquarters and local marinas aimed at creating a safer and cleaner bay.
No Wake Zones
Strong boat wakes erode marshes that protect our shoreline. Since 1990, Operation SPLASH has been instrumental in public awareness of salt marsh protection.
Total Maximum Daily Load Research
SPLASH facilitates studies of the local environment conducted in the Eastern & Western Bays by providing funding, crewed boats, and equipment.
New York State Spill Bill and County Legislation
Operation SPLASH volunteers worked to effect environmental legislation in both New York State and Nassau County aimed at preserving our local marine ecosystems.